Technical and engineering parameters of the University of Utah permanent GPS
network (EBRY)
- A summary of stations in the continuous GPS network. Included are
station coordinates, geologic setting, equipment used, and information
on access to the sites.
I. Geodynamics of the Yellowstone Hotspot from GPS (Global Positioning System) Surveys
Objectives of the GPS component of the Yellowstone hotspot project are to
measure and understand the spatial and temporal variations of the crustal
deformation produced by the interaction between lithospheric plate motion and the
asthenospheric hotspot. This process has produced the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain
volcanic system, wide-spread uplift and subsidence of the volcanic areas, and active
normal faulting of the surrounding Basin-Range province

The Yellowstone-Snake River Plain volcanic system with seismicity and topography.
With a mix of campaign and continuous GPS surveys we expect to have the precision
and spatial scale necessary to understand the kinematics and dynamics of the Yellowstone
hotspot by: 1) integrating campaign and continuous GPS deformation data for time-dependent
modeling of coupling between lithospheric and surface processes, and 2) providing data for
physical models of magmatic and earthquake cycles of this region, and 3) for constraining
dynamic models of the hotspot - plate interaction.
The project includes the installation and operation of 15 continuous GPS (CGPS)
stations and the periodic observation of ~160 campaign GPS sites in a network of GPS stations
centered on Yellowstone. Observations of the campaign sites began in 1987, and continous GPS
sites began to be installed in 1996. The Yellowstone GPS network extends 400 km across the
area affected by the hypothesized hotspot.
It includes parts of four western states: Wyoming, southern Montana, eastern Idaho and
northern Utah. Data acquired from this project are combined to determine temporal and spatial
variations in the earth's strain field as well as resolving ground velolcities in a North
American framework.
Project Objectives:
1) Determine the time-dependent strain field of the Yellowstone hotspot "swell"
using continuous and campaign GPS monitoring to assess the secular variation of crustal strain
and to be able to correlate these results with earthquakes.
2) Develop a kinematic model for crustal deformation of the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain
system constrained by ancillary earthquake, lithospheric structure, fault histories, and
rheological data. We are developing a 3-D finite element time-spatial model of contemporary
deformation of this region to identify areas of time-dependent loading that will be used as
input to geodynamic modeling. Data from the Yellowstone and Utah GPS networks are integrated
with data from other networks across the western U.S. to develop an integrated intraplate
deformation model for the entire western North American plate.
GPS Logistics -- Continuous style GPS offers several improvements over campaign
surveys. The first is considerably higher precision, with expected horizontal rate uncertainties
of ~1 mm/yr, several times smaller than the current measured deformation rate. In addition, the
continuous GPS stations yield a high level of coordinate and velocity precision with respect to
the more stable North American continent. This method also provides reference frame constraints
that will allow us to better resolve the broad-scale deformation associated with the Yellowstone
hotspot, not as well-defined by campaign surveys. Continuous stations will also provide increased
time resolution for processes observed on time scales of minutes to months. Moreover contiouous
GPS provides near realtime temporal coverage of active geologic processes. However CGPS stations
are more costly to operate and maintain than campaign GPS.
Campaign style -- GPS offers much greater spatial resolution but requires temporal
sampling at periodic intervals of a few years. The single-point precision of campaign surveys is
considerably less than continuous but over periods of several years becomes nearly the same as
continous GPS. However, field logisitics are generally difficult and time-consuming in the
mountainous terrain of the Yellowstone and Utah region.
GPS Data Telemetry and Processing -- CGPS data are automatically transmitted to the
Universtiy of Utah by two methods: 1) continuous streaming of 15 second sampled data via the USGS
NSN satellite telemetry to Golden Colorado, where they are transmitted via the Internet to the
university, and 2) at non-satellite sites the data are downloaded each day by a dial-up phone line
and Internet links.
Processing GPS Data --The University of Utah currently uses the Bernese GPS Processing
Engine software that is capable of providing mm-level horizontal and 1-cm level vertical
positioning accuraciess over distances up to thousands of km. Data are semi-automatically processed as
much as possible along with data from the Univ. of Utah Wasatch fault continuous network and
selected stations from the BARGEN network with ties to Global IGS stations. Campaign data collected
in 2000 were integrated into routine processing of the regional continuous data.
Research Support -- This research is sponsored by the NSF Continental Dynamics program,
the USGS National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, the USGS Volcano Hazards Program, and the
Idaho National Environmental and Engineering Laboratory with the assistance of the National Park
Service. The UNAVCO facilty assists with technical aspects of these projects. For information on
these data and related research projects that sponsor them, please contact Bob Smith at the
University of Utah at:
II. GPS Measurements, Fault Modeling and Integrated Earthquake Hazard Assessement of
the Wasatch Front, Utah
Objectives of the GPS component of the Wasatch fault, Utah, project are to measure and
understand the spatial and temporal variations of the crustal deformation accompaning earthquakes
on the 370-km long Wasatch fault and surrounding faults of central and northern Utah. We employ a
combination of campaign and continuous GPS surveys which provides the precision and spatial scale
necessary to understand the kinematics of the fault-related deformation. Our efforts focus on
determining the full earthquake hazards by combining the historical seismic record, the
paleoearthquake history, and the GPS-determined contemporary strain field.
The project includes the installation and operation of 4 (a fifth station was removed because of
secular variation) continuous GPS (CGPS) stations, collaborative processing of 5 BARGEN stations, and
the periodic observation of ~90 campaign GPS sites in a network of stations centered on a 75 km-wide
array extending from along the length of the Wasatch fault with baseline coverage across the Hansel
Valley, East Cache, Oquirrh, and other nearby faults. Observations of the campaign sites began in
1993 and continuous GPS sites began to be installed in 1998. Data acquired from this project are
combined to determine temporal and spatial variations in the earth's strain field as well as resolving
ground velocities in a North American framework.
Project Objectives:
1) Determine the time-dependent strain field of the Wasatch and related faults by continuous and
campaign GPS monitoring necessary to assess the secular variation of crustal strain and long term fault
stress loading.
2) We are particularly interested in the long term behavior of the seismic cycle of the Wastach
fault and how the contemporary strain field may be loading the fault.
3) Develop a kinematic model for viscoelastic behavoir of the Wasatch fault, including how
prehistoric earthquakes may have affected the current stress state, and how the paleoearthquake records
can be used to assess the long- vs. short-term loading rates as necessary input for earthquake assessments.
We have developed both elastic and viscoelastic analytic modeling methods for modeling the contemporary
deformation of this region. Data from the Utah GPS networks are integrated with data from other
networks across the western U.S. to develop an integrated intraplate deformation model for the entire
western North American plate.
4) To develop an integrated probabilistic earthquake hazard assessment of the Wasatch fault
incorporating all of the potential sources of information on fault loading including: 1) a new analysis
of paleoearthquake fault slip rates, 2) the historic seismicity rates, and 3) the contemporary strain
field deduced from GPS measurments. We are also developing the analysis of the long-term loading rates
from prehistoric earthquakes to assess their effects on contemporary loading rates.
GPS Logistics -- Continuous GPS offers several improvements over campaign surveys, which are
the same as given for the section above. In particular, for low stressing rate tectonic regimes such as
the Basin and Range, continuous GPS measurements are a preferred mode of operation because of the longer
time it takes to have high enough precision. However, campaign GPS surveys are necessary to resolve the
3-D distribution of strain across such a large area as the Wasatch Front. With campaign data begining in
1992 we now have a sufficient time history from campaign surveys to resolve lateral variations of strain
across different sections of the Wasatch fault.
Campaign style -- GPS offers much greater spatial resolution but requires temporal sampling at
periodic intervals of a few years. The resolution of campaign surveys, while considerably less than
continuous over periods of a few years, has now become nearly the same as continuous GPS for the Wasatch
fault surveys.
CGPS Data Telemetry and Processing -- CGPS data are automatically transmitted to the Universtiy
of Utah by continuous streaming of 15 second sampled data via spread spectrum digital radio links.
See a map of the CGPS stations
Find out about CGPS
Processing GPS Data --The University of Utah currently uses the Bernese GPS Processing Engine
software. Data are semi-automatically processed as much as possible along with data from the Univ. of Utah
Wasatch fault continuous network and selected stations from the BARGEN network with ties to Global IGS
stations. Campaign data collected in 2000 were integrated into routine processing of the regional
continuous data.
Research Support -- This research is sponsored by the USGS National Earthquake Hazards
Reduction Program. The UNAVCO facilty assists with technical aspects of these projects. For information on
these data and related research projects that sponsor them, please contact Bob Smith at the University of
Utah at:
III. Permanent GPS Stations

Yellowstone caldera monitoring station at Lake, Wyoming
Beginning in 1997, continuously recording GPS
stations were installed by the University Of Utah to augment our field
campaign sites. Eight Trimble SSI receivers with Dorne Margolin antennas were
acquired with funds from the NSF Academic Research Instrumentation program in
cooperation with UNAVCO, and with the
University of Utah providing matching funds. Two stations in Yellowstone, White
Lake, and Hayden Valley, were installed by the
and processed cooperatively with the University of Utah. A complete list of
stations can be found here.
The initial permanent GPS was installed at Lake,
Wyoming, in the Yellowstone caldera with real-time data transmission
via the USGS National Seismic Network satellite link to Golden, Colorado, and
then by internet to UNAVCO and the University of Utah.
All of our permanent GPS sites are on bedrock, and our
monuments are economically designed to cost about $5 to $10k per site.
A description of our permanent GPS site at Red Butte Canyon is shown
The Lake Mountain
site is shown here. Look at a photo of the East
Ogden station here.
A. Yellowstone Caldera and hotspot monitoring
The initial permanent GPS station was installed at Lake, Wyoming, in the
Yellowstone caldera with real-time data transmission
via the USGS National Seismic Network satellite link to Golden, Colorado and then by
internet to UNAVCO and the University of
Utah. The data are archived at UNAVCO. This site was installed with NSF support
collaboratively with the USGS.
In 1998 two permanent GPS sites were installed at the perimeter of the Yellowstone
hotspot track in the eastern Snake River Plain of eastern Idaho in support of a
new study of the geodynamics of the Yellowstone hotspot. An additional site was
installed at Boulder, Wyoming, to serve as a stable base station.
Another continuous permanent site was established at
Mammoth, Wyoming to provide base station coverage
for monitoring of the Yellowstone caldera. The station was provided by the
University of Utah and its operation is supported by the USGS Volcano Hazards
B. Wasatch fault monitoring
Five continuous recording GPS sites were
installed on the Wasatch Front from 1997 to 1998 with support from the USGS
National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program. Data from these sites are
telemetered via digital radio links to the University of Utah campus for processing.
The data are archived at UNAVCO. Station Red Butte is part of the
NGS CORS network.
C. Permanent Network Stations
The locations of the permanent stations can be viewed on the
maps. The coordinates of the stations are listed in these
IV. Campaign GPS Surveys
In this document we provide maps and
lists and coordinates of stations that
have been surveyed in field campaigns since 1987 by the University of
Utah. Our research relating to these observations is given for
Yellowstone-Snake River Plain
and Utah separately.
A. Yellowstone Hotspot and Yellowstone Caldera
In the Yellowstone hotspot project, campaign surveys have been made in 1987,
1991, 1993, 1995, and 2000. See complete table of
University of Utah GPS stations or Idaho-Montana-Wyoming
stations or Utah stations.
For each survey, GPS data were observed on existing
benchmarks primarily around Yellowstone, while in Yellowstone many new GPS
marks were set by the NGS. Remote sites consisted of existing USGS benchmarks
and marks set by the University of Utah.
A total of 274 stations have been observed in five field campaigns that
included cooperative support from the National Geodetic Survey and MIT.
This project was supported by the NSF Geophysics program. See our research
results here.
In 1995 an additional 50 GPS sites were occupied around the Yellowstone
hotspot in order to focus on the Snake River Plain (the track of the hotspot)
and in order to map laterally the plausible extent of the hypothesized plume
head in the lithosphere.
B. Wasatch Front, Utah
In 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, and 2000 GPS surveys were made to provide baseline
coverage across the Wasatch fault as part of an earthquake surveillance program
and earthquake hazards evaluation. See table of
station occupations. This project was supported primarily by the USGS
National Earthquake Hazards Program with collaborative support from the Utah
Geological Survey, the BLM, and surveyors from Salt Lake, Weber, Davis, Utah,
Cache, and Box Elder counties. A total of 90 stations have been surveyed in
this project, mostly occupying existing NGS, USGS, and other geodetic
Research on earthquake hazards of the Wasatch fault are reported
here and is one of the research projects
of the University of Utah Seismograph
V. GPS Data Archives
GPS campaign and continuous data from the University of Utah projects
are archived at the University
NAVSTAR Consortium (UNAVCO) gps data archives.
Raw GPS data, RINEX (ascii common exchange format) files, and copies of
field logs are available upon request from UNAVCO. Please see the links
to individual campaigns listed by year below. The links summarize the
campaigns, and the data can be obtained by choosing "Data Request" from the
menu at the bottom of the linked page.
1987 06 (June)
Lake 1987 08 (Aug