University of Utah Papers on the Yellowstone-Teton-Snake River Plain
Smith, R. B., 1970, A regional gravity survey of
western and central Montana, Bull. Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., 54, 7, 1172- 1183.
Sbar, M., M., Baranzangi, J. Dorman, C. Scholz, and
R. B. Smith, 1971, Tectonics of the Intermountain Seismic Belt, Western United
States: Microearthquake seismicity and composite fault plane solutions, Bull.
Geol. Soc. Amer., 83, 13-28.
Pennington, W., A. B. Trimble, and R. B. Smith,
1974, A microearthquake survey of parts of the Snake River Plain and Central
Idaho: Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 64, 307-312.
Bonini, W. and R. B. Smith, 1974, Bouguer Gravity
Map of Montana, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Spec. Publ. 62, scale
Smith, R. B. and M. L. Sbar, 1974, Contemporary
Tectonics and Seismicity of the Western United States with Emphasis on the
Intermountain Seismic Belt, Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 85, no. 8, 1205-1218.
Smith, R. B., R. T. Shuey, R. Freidline, R. Otis,
and L. Alley, 1974, Yellowstone Hot Spot: New magnetic and seismic evidence:
Geology, 2, 451-455.
Trimble, A. B. and R. B. Smith, 1975, Seismicity
and contemporary tectonics of the Hebgen Lake-Yellowstone Park region: J.
Geophys. Res., 80, 5, 733-741.
Freidline, R., R. B. Smith, and D. D. Blackwell,
1975, Seismicity and contemporary tectonics of the Helena, Montana area, Bull.
Seism. Soc. America, 66, 81-85.
Morgan, P., D. D. Blackwell, R. Spafford, and R. B.
Smith, 1975, Evidence from heat flow measurements for laterally extensive
geothermal fluid systems in the Yellowstone Caldera, Yellowstone National Park,
Wyo., Proceedings Second United Nations Symposium on Geothermal Energy, 2,
10. Smith, R. B., 1977, Intraplate tectonics of the Western North American
Plate, Tectonophysics, 37, 323-336.
11. Smith, R. B., 1977, Preface to the Yellowstone Symposium, J. Geophys.
Res., 82, 3663.
12. Smith, R. B., J. R. Pelton, and J. D. Love, 1977, Seismicity and the
possibility of earthquake related landslides in the Teton-Gros Ventre-Jackson
Hole area, Wyoming, Contributions to Wyoming Geology, v. 14, p. 57-64,
Reprinted in Rocky Mountain Thrust Belt Geology and Resources, 603-610.
13. Smith, R. B., 1977, The Yellowstone Symposium, J. Geophys. Res., 82,
14. Smith, R. B., R. T. Shuey, J. R. Pelton, and J. P. Bailey, 1977,
Yellowstone Hot Spot, crustal properties from new earthquake and magnetic data,
J. Geophys. Res., 82, 3665-3676.
15. Otis, R. M., R. B. Smith, and R. J. Wold, 1977, Geophysical surveys of
Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, J. Geophys. Res., 82, 3705-3718.
16. Wold, R. J., R. B. Smith , and M. A. Mayhew, 1977, Geophysical study of
a hydrothermal explosion crater in Mary Bay, Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, J.
Geophys. Res., 82, 3733-3738.
17. Morgan, P., D. D. Blackwell, R. E. Spafford, and R. B. Smith, 1977, Heat
flow measurements in Yellowstone Lake and the thermal structure of the
Yellowstone Caldera, J. Geophys. Res., 82, 379-3732.
18. Smith, R. B., 1978, Seismicity, crustal structure, and intraplate
tectonics of the Western Cordillera, in Cenozoic Tectonics and Regional
Geophysics of the Western Cordillera, editors, R. B. Smith and G. P. Eaton,
Memoir 152, Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 111-144.
19. Smith, R. B. and A. Lindh, 1978, A compilation of fault plane solutions
of the Western United States, (in) Cenozoic Tectonics and Regional Geophysics
of the Western Cordillera, editors, R. B. Smith and G. P. Eaton, Memoir 152,
Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 107-110.
20. Smith, R. B. and G. P. Eaton, 1978, Preface, in Cenozoic Tectonics and
Regional Geophysics of the Western Cordillera, editors, R. B. Smith and G. P.
Eaton, Memoir 152, Geol. Soc. Am., vii-viii.
21. Ward, S. H. and others (including R. B. Smith), 1978, A summary of
geology, geochemistry, and geophysics of the Roosevelt Hot Springs Thermal
area, Utah, Geophysics, 43, 1515-1542.
22. Pelton, J. R. and R. B. Smith, 1979, Recent crustal uplift in
Yellowstone National Park, Science, 206, 1179-1182.
23. Smith, R. B. and R. L. Christiansen, 1980, Yellowstone Park as a window on
the Earth's interior, Scientific American, 242, 2, 104-117.
24. Smith, R. B., L. W. Braile, M. M. Schilly, J. Ansorge, C. Prodehl, M.
Baker, J. H. Healey, S. Mueller, and R. Greensfelder, 1982, The Yellowstone-
eastern Snake River Plain seismic profiling experiment: Crustal structure of
Yellowstone, J. Geophys. Res., 84, 2583-2596.
25. Schilly, M. M., R. B. Smith, J. Ansorge, J. H. Lehman, and L. W. Braile,
1982, The Yellowstone-eastern Snake River Plain seismic profiling experiment: Upper-crustal
structure, J. Geophys. Res., 84, 2692-2704.
26. Lehman, J. A., R. B. Smith, M. M. Schilly, and L. W. Braile, 1982,
Crustal structure of the Yellowstone caldera from delay-time analyses and
correlation with gravity data, J. Geophys. Res., 84, 2713-2730.
27. Sparlin, M. A., L. W. Braile, and R. B. Smith, 1982, Crustal structure
of the Eastern Snake River Plain determined from ray-trace modeling of seismic
refraction data, J. Geophys. Res., 84, 2619-2633.
28. Baker, M. R., L. W. Braile, and R. B. Smith, 1982, Amplitude
normalization of seismograms from multiple seismograph recording systems for
the Yellowstone Snake River Plain seismic profiling experiment: Crustal
structure of the eastern Snake River Plain, J. Geophys. Res., 84, 2597-2610.
29. Braile, L. W., R. B. Smith, J. Ansorge, M. R. Baker, M. A. Sparlin, C.
Prodehl, M. M. Schilly, J. H. Healy, S. Mueller, and K. H. Olsen, 1982, The
Yellowstone Snake River Plain seismic profiling experiment: Crustal structure
of the eastern Snake River Plain, J. Geophys. Res., 84, 2597-2610.
30. Doser, D. I. and Smith, R. B., 1982, Seismic moment rates for
earthquakes in the Utah region, Bull. Seism. Soc. America, 72, 525-552.
31. Pelton, J. R. and R. B. Smith, 1982, Contemporary vertical surface
displacements in Yellowstone National Park, J. Geophys. Res., 87, 2745-2761.
32. Smith, R. B., 1982, Contemporary tectonics and lithospheric structure,
Chapter 13 of the Cordillera Orogen, Conterminous U. S. Sector, Geol. Soc.
America, Perspective Regional Geological Synthesis, Decade of North American
Geology, Special Publication 1.
33. Smith, R. B. and L. W. Braile, 1982, Crustal structure and evolution of
an explosive silicic volcanic system at Yellowstone National Park, Thirty-
Third Annual Field Conference - 1982 Wyoming Geological Association Guidebook,
34. Smith, R. B., 1982, Crustal structure and evolution of an explosive
silicic volcanic system at Yellowstone National Park, Special preprint for
Enrico Fermi International School of Physics Students, Varenna, Italy, 35 p.
35. Doser, D. I and R. B. Smith, 1983, Seismicity of the Teton-Southern
Yellowstone Region, Wyoming, Bull. Seism. Soc. America, 73, 1369-1394.
36. Smith, R. B. and L. W. Braile, 1984, Crustal structure and evolution of
an explosive silicic volcanic system at Yellowstone National Park; in Studies
In Geophysics; Explosive Volcanism: Inception, Evolution, and Hazards, National
Academy Press, 96-111.
37. Smith, R. B. and R. L. Bruhn, 1984, Intraplate extensional tectonics of
the western U. S. Cordillera: Inferences on structural style from seismic
reflection data, regional tectonics and thermal-mechanical models of
brittle-ductile deformation, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 5733-5762.
38. Benz, H. and R. B. Smith, 1984, Simultaneous inversion for lateral
velocity variations and hypo centers in the Yellowstone region using earthquake
and refraction data, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 1208-1220.
39. Smith, R. B. and P. Eddington, 1984, Strain rates in Utah from seismic
moments, geodetic surveys and paleoslip, Workshop XI on "Evolution of
Regional and Urban Earthquake Hazards and Risk in Utah," U. S. Geological
Survey Open-File Report, 84-763, 422-237.
40. Smith, R. B., and W. D. Richins, 1984, Seismicity and earthquake hazards
of Utah and the Wasatch front: Paradigm and Paradox proceedings from Workshop
XI on "Evaluation of Regional and Urban Earthquake Hazards and Risk in
Utah", U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 84-763, 73-112.
41. Richins, W. D., R. B. Smith, C. J. Langer, J. E. Zollweg, J. J. King,
and J. C. Pechmann, 1985, The 1983 Borah Peak, Idaho earthquake: Relationship
of aftershocks to the mainshock, surface faulting, and regional tectonics,
Workshop XXVIII on "The Borah Peak Earthquake," U. S. Geological
Survey Open-File Report, 85-290, 285-310.
42. Smith, R. B., W. D. Richins, and D. I. Doser, 1985, The Borah Peak
earthquake: Seismicity, faulting kinematics and tectonic mechanism, Workshop
XXVIII on "The Borah Peak Earthquake," U. S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report, 85-290, 236-263.
43. Doser, D. I., and R. B. Smith, 1985, Source Parameters of the October
28, 1983 Borah Peak, Idaho Earthquake from Body Wave Analysis, Bull. Seismol.
Soc. Amer., 75, 1041-1051.
44. Smith, R. B, 1986, Earthquake catalog for the Yellowstone National Park
region: January 1, 1995 through December 31, 1995, with a contribution by R. A.
Hutchinson, Summary of felt earthquakes in Yellowstone National Park, 1985,
University of Utah Seismograph Stations, Department of Geology and Geophysics,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 68p.
45. Fournier, R. O., D. D. Blackwell, R. L. Christiansen, G. P. Eaton, F. E.
Goff, J. F. Hermance, R. Hermann, J. H. Reynolds, R.B. Smith, J. D. Varley ,
and H. A. Wollenburg, 1987, The objectives for deep scientific drilling in
Yellowstone National Park, A report by the Yellowstone National Park Task Group
to the Continental Scientific Drilling Committee, National Academy Press,
Washington, D.C., 69 pp.
46. Richins, W. D., J. C. Pechmann, R. B. Smith, C. J. Langer, S. K. Goter,
J. E. Zollweg, and J. J. King, 1987, The 1983 Borah Peak, Idaho earthquake and
its aftershocks; Bull. Seismol. Soc. America, 77, 694-723.
47. Smith, R. B., and W. C. Nagy, 1987, Earthquake catalog for the
Yellowstone National Park region: January 1, 1986, to December 31, 1986, with a
contribution by R. A. Hutchinson, Summary of felt earthquakes in Yellowstone
National Park, 1986, University of Utah Seismograph Stations, Department of
Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 25p.
48. Smith, R. B., R. E. Reilinger, C. M. Meertens, J. R. Hollis, S. R.
Holdahl, D. Dzurisin, W. K. Gross, and E. E. Klingele, 1989, What's moving at
Yellowstone! The 1987 Crustal deformation survey from GPS, leveling, precision
gravity and trilateration, Eos, Amer. Geophys Un., 70, 113-125.
49. Westaway, R., and R. B. Smith, 1989, Strong ground motion in
normal-faulting earthquakes, Geop. J. Roy. Astr. Soc., 96, 529-559.
50. Clawson, S. R., R. B. Smith, and H. M. Benz, 1989, P-wave attenuation of
the Yellowstone caldera from three-dimensional inversion of spectral decay
using explosion source seismic data, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 7205-7222.
51. Doser, D. D. and R. B. Smith, 1989, An assessment of source parameters
of earthquakes in the Intermontane region of the United States, Bull. Seis.
Soc. Amer., 79, 1383-1409.
52. Nagy, W. C. and R. B. Smith, and W. C. Nagy, 1989, Earthquake catalog
for the Yellowstone National Park region: January 1, 1987, to December 31,
1987, with a contribution by R. A. Hutchinson, Summary of felt earthquakes in
Yellowstone National Park, 1987, University of Utah Seismograph Stations,
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah,
53. Nagy, W. C. and R. B. Smith, and W. C. Nagy, 1989, Earthquake catalog
for the Yellowstone National Park region: January 1, 1988, to December 31,
1988, with a contribution by R. A. Hutchinson, Summary of felt earthquakes in
Yellowstone National Park, 1988, University of Utah Seismograph Stations,
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah,
54. Love, J. David; Nelson, Gerald E.; Palmquist, Robert C.; Pierce, William
G.; Hamilton, Wayne; Hutchinson, Roderick A.; Smith, Robert B.; Coogan, James
C.; Ulrich, Carl, 1989, Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks and the
middle rocky mountains: Casper, Wyoming to Salt lake city, Utah, July 20-30,
1989, American Geophysical Union,:28th International Geological Congress Field
Trip Guidebook v.:T328, pp 93.
55. Smith, R. B., J. O. D. Byrd, and D. D. g, 1990, Neotectonics and
structural evolution of the Teton fault, Geologic Field Tours of Western
Wyoming and parts Of Adjacent Idaho, Montana, and Utah; Geol. Survey of
Wyoming, Public Information Circular No. 29, 126-138.
56. Smith, R. B., J. O. D. Byrd, D. D. Susong, A. G. Sylvester, R. L. Bruhn
, and J. Geissman, W., 1990, An Evaluation of Earthquake Hazards of the Grand
Teton National Park Emphasizing the Teton fault, Three Year Progress Report,
prepared for the University of Wyoming-National Park Service Research Center,
University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, 149p.
57. Vasco, D. W., Smith, R. B., and Taylor, C., 1990, Inversion of
Yellowstone vertical displacements and gravity changes, 1923 to 1975-1977 to
1986. J. Geoph. Res. 95: 19839-19856.
58. Peyton, S. L. and R. B. Smith, 1990, Earthquake catalog for the
Yellowstone National Park region: January 1, 1989 through December 31, 1989,
with a contribution by R. A. Hutchinson, Summary of felt earthquakes in
Yellowstone National Park, 1989, University of Utah Seismograph Stations,
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah,
59. Hardman, W. and R. B. Smith, 1991, Earthquake catalog for the
Yellowstone National Park region: January 1, 1990 through December 31, 1990,
with a contribution by R. A. Hutchinson, Summary of felt earthquakes in
Yellowstone National Park, 1990, University of Utah Seismograph Stations,
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah,
60. Sylvester, A. G., J. O. D. Byrd, and R. B Smith, 1991, Geodetic evidence
for aseismic reverse creep across the Teton normal fault, Geoph. Res. Letters,
18, 1083-1086.
61. Meertens, C. M. and R. B. Smith, 1991, Crustal deformation of the
Yellowstone caldera from first GPS measurements: 1987-1989, Geoph. Res.
Letters, 18, 1763-1766.
62. Carle, S. F., J. M. Glen, V. E. Langenheim, R. B. Smith and H. W.
Oliver, 1991, Isostatic gravity map and principal facts for 694 gravity
stations in Yellowstone National Park and vicinity, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho,
1 Over-sized sheet, scale 1:125,000 map, and 1 5 1/4 inch diskette, U. S. Geol.
Survey, Open-file Report 90-649A and B.
63. Smith, R. B. and W. J. Arabasz, 1991, Seismicity of the Intermountain
Seismic Belt, in Neotectonics of North America, D. B. Slemmons, E. R. Engdahl,
M. L. Zoback and D. D. Blackwell (editors), Geol. Soc. Am., SMV V-1, Decade Map
Volume 1, 185-228.
64. Smith, R. B., J. O. D. Byrd and D. D. Susong, 1993, The Teton fault:
Seismotectonics, Quaternary history and earthquake hazards, in A. W. Snoke, J.
Steidtmann, and S. M. Roberts, editors "Geology of Wyoming",
Geological Survey of Wyoming Memoir No. 5, p. 628-667.
65. Smith, R. B. and L. W. Braile, 1993, Topographic signature, space-time
evolution, and physical properties of the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain
volcanic system: the Yellowstone hotspot, in A. W. Snoke, J. Steidtmann, and S.
M. Roberts, editors, ÒGeology of WyomingÓ, Geological Survey of Wyoming Memoir
No. 5, p. 694-754.
66. Smith, R. B., K. L. Pierce and R. J. Wold, 1993, Quaternary history and
structure of Jackson Lake, Wyoming, from seismic reflection surveys, in A. W.
Snoke, J. Steidtmann, and S. M. Roberts, editors "Geology of
Wyoming", Geological Survey of Wyoming Memoir No. 5, p. 668-693.
67. Nava, S. J., and R. B. Smith, 1993, Earthquake catalog for the
Yellowstone National Park region: January 1, to December 31, 1991, with a
contribution by R. A. Hutchinson, Summary of felt earthquakes in Yellowstone
National Park, 1989, University of Utah Seismograph Stations, Department of
Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 29p.
68. Smith, R. B., and L. W. Braile, 1994, The Yellowstone Hotspot, in Jour.
Volcanology and Geotherm. Research, eds. D.P. Hill, P. Gasparini, S. McNutt and
H. Rymer, H., 61:121-188.
69. Lowry, A. R. and R. B. Smith, 1994, High resolution mapping of flexural
rigidity using maximum entropy coherence of gravity and topography, J. Geophys.
Res., v. 99, p. 20,095-20,122.
70. Byrd, J. O. D., R. B. Smith and J W. Geissman, 1994, The Teton fault,
Wyoming: topographic signature, neotectonics and mechanism of deformation, J.
Geophys. Res., v. 99, p. 20,122-20,140.
71. Lowry, A. R. and R. B. Smith, 1995, Strength and rheology of western U.
S. Cordillera, J. Geophys. Res., v. 100, p. 17,947-17,964.
72. Nava, S. J., and R. B. Smith, 1996, Earthquake catalog for the
Yellowstone National Park region: January 1, 1992, to December 31, 1994, with a
contribution by R. A. Hutchinson, Summary of felt earthquakes in Yellowstone
National Park, 1992-1994, University of Utah Seismograph Stations, Department
of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 62p.
73. Arnet, F., Kahle, H.-G.; KlingelÂŽ, E. ; Smith, R. B. ; Meertens, C. M.;
Dzurisin, D., 1997, Temporal gravity and height changes of Yellowstone caldera,
1977-1994, Geophys. Res. Lett. v. 24 , n. 22 , p. 2741-2744.
74. Martinez, L., C. M. Meertens, and R. B. Smith, 1998, Anomalous
intraplate deformation of the Basin and Range-Rocky Mountain transition from
initial GPS measurements, Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 25 , No. 4 , p. 567-570.
75. Miller, D. S. and R. B. Smith, 1999, P and S velocity structure of the
Yellowstone volcanic field from local earthquake and controlled source
tomography, J. Geophys. Res. v. 104, 15,105-15,121.
76. Lageson, D. R., D. C., Adams, L. Morgan, K. L. Pierce, and R. B. Smith,
1999, Neogene-Quaternary tectonics and volcanism of the southern Jackson Hole,
Wyoming and southeastern Idaho, in Hughes, S. S. and Thackrey, G. D., eds.,
Guidebook to the Geology of Eastern Idaho, Pocatello, Idaho Museum of Natural
History, p. 115-130.