GG 5530/6330 Earthquake Seismology and Hazard Assessment
Spring 2006
Topical Outline of Earthquake Seismology and Hazards Assessment
- Introduction
- Overview of course, discussion of topics, grading, terms of reference, etc.
- Discussion of readings, homework assignments, etc.
- Introduction to timely topics
- Seismic wave transmission review
- Body and surface waves.
- Travel-times and amplitude variation with structure and distance.
- Nomenclature of seismic phases
- Geometric ray theory and generalized Snell's law for flat and spherical earth.
- Forward travel-time expressions and solutions of Eikonal equations
- Seismic instrumentation
- Inertial pendulums and electromagnetic seismometers.
- System response in time and frequency using Fournier and Laplace transforms.
- Seismic recording: FM and digital recording, timing, and telemetry.
- Seismic networks and seismic arrays.
- Accelerometers vs. velocity meters.
- Digital signal analyses
- Strong ground motion recording.
- Interpretation of earth structure.
- Regional traveltime curves, nomenclature, and crust-mantle structure
- Standard whole-earth travel-time curves (Bullen, Herrin, Kennett
- PREM and 3-D velocity models for crust, mantle and core.
- Linear inversion of earthquake data for hypocenters and structure.
- Herglotz-Wiechert-Williamson traveltime inversion and
Adamson-Williamson density velocity relationship
- Generalized methods of hypocenter and velocity-model inversion
- Hypocenter errors and array sensitivities.
- Formal inversion of seismic data problem
- Array measurements of slowness for earthquake locations.
- Tomography (inversion) for 3-D earth structure
- Tomography methods
- Velocity models of the crust
- Velocity models of the mantle and core
- Anisotropy
- Earthquake size and frequency of occurrence
- Measurements of earthquake size: intensity, magnitude, moment, and energy
- Power law distribution and frequency of earthquake occurrence.
- Scaling relationships amongst fault length, displacement, magnitude, etc.
- Earthquake periodicity and seismic cycles.
- Regional earthquake characteristics and tectonics
- Focal mechanisms and stress
- Fault mechanics and 1st-motion focal mechanisms
- Geomorphic expression of faults
- Paleoseismicity and characteristic earthquakes
- Fault rupture mechanics and fault asperities
- Fault dynamics
- Elastodynamics: static and dynamic dislocation models of faulting.
- Fault plane solutions and source parameters
- Seismic moment tensors.
- Seismotectonics
- Earthquakes and plate tectonics
- Strain rates from seismic moments.
- Convergent and divergent boundaries.
- Intraplate earthquakes
- Paleoseismicity from faulting, displacements, etc. and comparisons
to historic seismicity.
- Volcano seismology
- Earthquakes and magma movements.
- Focal mechanisms and stresses.
- Non double-couple sources
- Harmonic tremors
- What have learned from recent and nearby earthquakes:
- Basin-Range: 1959 Hebgen Lake and 1983 Borah Peak, Idaho.
- San Andreas fault: 1989 Loma Prieta, 1993 Landers, 1994
Northridge, and 1999 Hector, California.
- Subduction: 1994 Kobe earthquake
- 1999: Turkey, Greece, Taiwan, and California
- 2004 SE Asia great earthquake
- 2005 Pakastani event
Outline of Sub Course: Earthquake Hazards Assessment
- Review of Seismic Wave Propagation (done in section 2 for
seismology students)
- Review of Seismology Instrumentation (done in section 3 for
seismology students)
- Review of Locating and Measuring Earthquakes (done in
sections 7 and 8 for seismology students)
- Review of seismic geology, focal mechanisms and stress (done
in sections 9 and 10 for seismology students)
- Review of Earthquake Frequency of occurrence
- Use of earthquake catalogs
- Assumption of stochastic properties
- Declustering
- Catalog completeness
- Recurrence methods
- Engineering seismology and strong ground motion.
- Peak ground accelerations and strong ground motion
- Spectral response (psuedo velocity and acceleration spectrums).
- Seismic wave attenuation and scaling.
- Strong and weak ground motion
- Amplification/attenuation due to near surface layers.
- Empirical strong ground motion time-series
- Theoretical time-series development
- Earthquake Hazards
- Ground shaking
- Surface rupture
- Ground deformation and earthquake induced flooding
- Landslides and avalanches.
- Liquefaction
- Triggered earthquakes
- Probabilistic approach to earthquake hazard assessment (PSHA)
- Deterministic versus probabilistic approach
- Stochastic models of earthquake occurrence
- Probabilistic risk methodology.
- Review of statistics, sample spaces, axioms, etc.
- Random variables
- Distributions
- Conditional and cumulative probability
- Logic trees
- Quantifying data for risk assessment: slip rates and repeat
times of historic earthquakes; aseismic slip and fault loading
and paleoseismology.
- Probabilistic fault displacement hazard
- Open source PSHA
- Use of PSHA for decision makers
- Land use planners
- Critical facility managers
- Engineering design
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