GG 5210
Problem Set 7
Autumn 2006
1. Do the problems 2-19, -20, -21, and -22 and
3-1, 3-2, 3-3, and 3-4 from Turcotte and Schubert.
2. Strain Measurements Of An Active Glacier (assuming infinitesimal strain).
The Teton glacier flows eastward from an ice field beneath the Grand Teton along a linear valley that forms a U-shaped gorge. In 1929 a steel post was installed on the surface of the glacier at its midpoint in the eastern end of the valley. Four more posts were emplaced equidistant 10 meters to the NW, NE, SE and SW of the center post.
By 1966 the post array has moved a substantial distance down center of the valley, but the posts remain in their NW-SE and NE-SW alignments. However, while the NW and SE posts are now 15 meters from the central post, those to the NE and SW are only 6 meters from the center.
a. What is the orientation of
the strain ellipse developed over the period 1929-1966? Justify your answer.
b. Calculate e1, e2, S1, S2.
l1 and l2 over the ~40 year period.
c. Assuming the strain field to
be homogeneous with the surface of the glacier forming a principal plane of the
strain ellipsoid, and that no volume change has occurred, what is the value of
linear extension perpendicular to the glacier’s surface? Recall that volumetric
dilatation, Dv = (1 + e 1)(1+ e 2)(1+ e 3) - 1
d. Radar sounding showed the
glacier to be 100 meters thick beneath the peg array in 1929. What thickness would you expect it to have
beneath the array in 1966?
picture of the Teton Glacier in its modern recessional phases.
3. The next problem focuses
on understanding the effect of composition, temperature, and strain rate, on
flow and fracture of common rocks in the earth by solving the rheological
equations for various rock types, temperatures and specified strain rates.
a. For this problem, first read and write an
abstract of the paper below (there is a copy in 706). There are several other papers on the
subject, but the program used in part 2 is based on this paper.
Smith, R. B. and R. L. Bruhn, 1984, Intraplate extensional tectonics of
the western U. S. Cordillera: Inferences on structural style from seismic
reflection data, regional tectonics and thermal-mechanical models of brittle-ductile
deformation, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 5733-5762.
Using the MatLab program on the CMES system, "ELASVISCOSTRESS," based
on the theory in Smith and Bruhn (1984), calculate the stress profiles for
various depths, tectonic regimes, and heat flow provinces. The program and all
files are accessible on the college system.
run the program:
Explanation: The ELASVISCOSTRESS program calculates the
shear strength vs. depth for various rock properties (temperature gradient,
composition, and strain rate.) Determine
the failure envelopes for three brittle failure criteria: compressional,
strike-slip, and extensional regimes.
i. the upper crust,
ii. the lower crust, and
iii. the upper mantle
b. Do the problem for three thermal regimes with heat fluxes of:
a cool stable continental regime, of 50 mWm-2,
an extending active tectonic regime, with a heat flux of 90 mWm-2, and
an active volcanic system with120 mWm- 2.
Plot out your results as strength vs. depth.
c. For each thermal and tectonic regime, describe what the rupture and flow laws imply about long term tectonics and earthquakes.
4. Consider a 2D section of
isotropic, linearly elastic granite crust with a thickness = 5 km, pore
pressure = 0, ν = 0.25, E = 106 bars, and ρ = 2.6 gm/cc. We are given
that the crust has stretched 1 m over a distance of 30 km to 30.001 km.