Robert B. Smith
Bob Smith's research interests are in seismology, tectonophysics, crustal deformation using GPS (Global Positioning System), and active tectonics. Current research projects include: 1) geodynamics of and evolution of the Yellowstone hotspot and the Yellowstone caldera, 2) seismicity and volcanic hazards of Yellowstone and operation of the Yellowstone seismograph network, and 3) crustal deformation and earthquake hazards of the Wasatch and Teton faults using GPS and fault modeling. Teaching includes tectonophysics and elastic waves, theoretical seismology, earthquake seismology and earthquake hazards, and introductory earthquakes and volcanoes. |
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Jamie Farrell
Postdoc Jamie Farrell's research interests are in seismology, tectonophysics, and geodynamics of the Yellowstone Hotspot. Current research projects include: 1) imaging the crustal velocity structure of the Yellowstone volcanic system using Local Earthquake Tomography techniques, 2) geodynamics of and evolution of the Yellowstone caldera using Finite Element Modeling, 3) seismicity and volcanic hazards of Yellowstone, and 4) the time-spatial seismicity patterns of the Yellowstone system characterized by the b-value. |
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Wu-Lung Chang
Research associate Wu-Lung Chang is at the National Central University in Taiwan. His research focuses on geodetic studies of active normal-fault systems and silicic volcanic fields, and earthquake hazard analysis, including (1) viscoelastic modeling for lithospheric rheology using the postseismic relaxation of the Ms=7.5 1959 Hebgen Lake, Montana, earthquake; (2) studying the inter-seismic kinematics of the Wasatch fault zone, Utah, and elastic modeling of fault geometry and loading rate; (3) crustal deformation and source modeling of the Yellowstone volcanic system; (4) integrating GPS observations with seismic and geologic data for earthquake ground shaking hazard analysis. |
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Christine Puskas
Christine Puskas is a post-doc working on GPS measurements of deformation of the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain and Wasatch Front. Her other research focuses on geodynamics of the western US interior and the effects of the Yellowstone hotspot. This research includes: 1) block and continuum modeling of deformation, 2) calculation of deviatoric stresses from variation in mass in the lithosphere, and 3) campaign GPS measurements of Yellowstone-Snake River Plain motion. |
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Fred Massin
Post-doc Fred Massin is focused on the understanding of magma storage and transfer processes. His research is based on the analysis of source mechanisms of volcano-tectonic events of the Yellowstone Hotspot and of Piton de la Fournaise volcanoes. He has developed a method that uses automatic pick time estimation (CEC Method) and waveform clustering to relocate and determine the sources of VT events. The obtained results highlight the common part of the seismicity between seismic crisis. These procedures have been adapted for real time analysis and eruption monitoring at the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano Observatory. The detailed analysis of focal mechanisms provides a comprehensive view of the stress field and allows refinement of structural model. |
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